Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Golden Dome

I went out to explore Kota Kinabalu city by foot but
ended up hiring a taxi to tour me around the area. it was too hot that day
I surrender to the sun's heat.
As I saw more of the city, I thought of Manila. They kind of
similar in some ways.

The driver took me to the Masjid Neseri mosque, one of Kota Kinabalu's
main attractions. Adorned with moslem art details and gold, I looked
around for a good angle of the mosque.

I eventually focused my attention at the onion shape dome.
And then I saw it! A golden dome with a blue sky as background.
And I click away.
Went out very happy and contented, I ask my driver to take me back to the
city proper instead.

photo taken: Nov. 2009


  1. wow! i ddnt know u have this photoblog! great entries! like the angle and how the dome dramatically blended with the calm blue sky!:)

  2. thanks gael, this blog is relatively new. hehe

  3. nice composition! I have a photoblog, too, called Mono-logues.

  4. thanks sir ding! will add you to my blog roll
